Monday 7 May 2018

How to Raise 3 boys with mental illnesses - McKenna Park

"I had to remember that I was chosen for their mother for some reason.

When asked to recall the moment of frustration with her children, Lonica Knudsen recounts one morning a few months ago, when her three children were reunited, no matter what she said.

How to Raise 3 boys with mental illnesses - McKenna Park

"I was very angry, I hit the milk at the counter and the milk exploded and poured on the walls and benches at the bottom of the staircase," says Knudsen. "And that's just the beginning of the day."

8 ways to ease your child`s separation anxiety - From experts who know

Super tired of the total collapse when you try to go to the bathroom? We understand.

seeing the lower lip of your lips start to shake and the tears in your small eyes when you go to work, the heart is breaking, but goes through the same reaction of anger when you go to the bathroom in less than two minutes, worse.

8 ways to ease your child's separation anxiety - From experts who know

These are all signs of separating anxiety, and the good news is that your child is not crazy. It's just part of its normal development.

Sunday 4 March 2018

What Are the Benefits of Nursery Glider Chairs?

What Are the Benefits of Nursery Glider Chairs?

Nursery Gliders are one of the must-have items in baby nursery nowadays. They have some surprising benefits both for the baby and the parents, especially when it comes to the first-time moms.

What Are the Benefits of Nursery Glider Chairs?

If you are one of those blessed parents looking forward to purchasing a Nursery Glider Chair for your baby nursery yet not sure of the benefits of it, we assure, you have landed to the right place! Let's explore the benefits of Nursery Glider Chair in the following without delay! Still, Looking for a detailed guide about nursery glider, Read Below or check Here 

Sunday 21 January 2018

Top 15 baby girl names of 2018

Did your child make this list?
Top 15 baby girl names of 2018

Will your baby girl have the same name as the other four girls in kindergarten? Most parents do not expect it, but like all else, baby names go through trends. What you thought was unique could be the name of the most popular child of the year. Has your reach peaked from 15 to 2018? According to BabyCenter, this year will be the most popular names. See below

25 gorgeous baby girl names from around the world

25 gorgeous baby girl names from around the world

If you are frustrated looking for baby names, there is no better place to look than international inspiration. These are some of our favorite children's names from around the world. See below

6 keys to getting your baby on a great sleep schedule, according to experts

If you can not remember what it is to have more than two hours of consecutive sleep at night, that's for you.

Growing up as the youngest of six, I had a pretty angelic look at the baby. I loved you. I almost had no experience with them, but in my mind, my dolls gave me all the knowledge I needed for my baby's experience. I begged my mother for another child - a little brother or sister would be a perfect birthday present! But unfortunately, during my five years, my dolls should be enough for a hungry baby. 
6 keys to getting your baby on a great sleep schedule, according to experts

So at age 14 I had the next best thing - niece. And my world, including my "experience" of how to raise a baby, facing upside down. The kids were much more demanding than I expected. I watched my brother and sister immediately become the closest to the zombies of all the new parents who suddenly gave up on the fun.

Sunday 14 January 2018

One female CEO shares her tips on raising a strong daughter

We can all learn from this CEO's advice.

We want to create our girls to be strong and independent, girls who can become professional leaders and personal life. But what helps a girl find her inner strength and passion in life? How can we encourage our girls to be their best people?
One female CEO shares her tips on raising a strong daughter

The director of a woman shares ideas about the education of strong girls - and that's all about sports.

Never give up

Current CEO of New York Road Runners (which manages the New York City Marathon), Mary Wittenberg says she developed her work ethic during childhood through athletics. Her dad coached several sports, though that didn't mean Wittenberg always ended up on the winning team. "All those years of losing made me want to win," Wittenberg said.

Divorce can hurt even grown children: 5 irrecoverable effects

Divorcing when your children are adults may be the right choice for you, but that does not mean that you can assume that it will not affect your children.

Divorce is difficult for children. We all know its effects on small children, but we tend to forget how it can affect adult children.
Divorce can hurt even grown children: 5 irrecoverable effects
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It turns out that divorce can also have a negative impact on them. If your children are grown up and are planning to grow, you need to be aware of the potential impact to be able to correct it. And since divorce rates are growing, it is important for parents to realize the irreparable damage their divorce can do if they are not careful. See below
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How to deal with your child`s fears without defending them

Here are three simple ways to help your child through their anxieties.

Fear is a real emotion. So how do you approach the fear of your child by affirming them and making them understandable that they do not have to be scared? If you go wrong, many children are starting to feel defensive or want to stop sharing your feelings with you.
How to deal with your child`s fears without defending them

It is important to be able to talk to children and be a good listener. You want your children to come to you with their fears, not to be another source of anxiety.
Michelle Woo says, "And yet when children have crippling fears-say, of dogs, germs or talking to new people-adults often tell them "Stop it, don't be afraid," which not only makes them more anxious, but also feel like they're disappointing those around them by being anxious. Just like adults, they need to learn how to live with their anxiety, rather than in fear of their fears."

So how should parents address their child's fears? See below

20 of the best activities to do with your kids this year

Here are some things you and your kids really would love to work with!

Sometimes it is difficult to find ideas on what to do with your children. Here are 20 of our favorite activities related to children. Look at and try out some of them. You will be amazed at how much fun you are with the kids.
20 of the best activities to do with your kids this year

1. Make a craft

Doing a craft with your child is a great chance for you two to talk and learn from each other. This activity allows you to focus on accomplishing a goal together. As you work on it, you can talk and ask them questions as you bond over a shared activity.
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How to set expectations with your child before an outing

Be it a trip to a grocery store or family vacation on the beach, there was nothing to do with the quality of the family age ... and nothing terrible as public rage. Here's how to avoid merging, no matter where you are.

While the sensation or anger of a young child is normal, here are some tips to set expectations and provide fun for the whole family -

How to set expectations with your child before an outing

Set age-appropriate expectations 

Your toddler has a lot of energy and excitement, so asking her to be quiet for a long period of time isn't realistic. Breaking up errands with breaks and rewards can help your child behave well while you run to the grocery store, then to the bank and then to pick up the dry cleaning. Think about stopping at the park after the bank or introducing a new game or toy on the drive home.

Monday 8 January 2018

Science reveals the best age for children; women can not believe it

For your health you are carefully planning when you have children based on your age.

The ideal time for a woman to have a child is a hot topic. Many women adopt pregnancy for several reasons, such as lack of carefree young life, career development, or traveling with a spouse before they start their family. All these motives contradicted many theories that claim that the ideal age for children was twenty years.
Science reveals the best age for children; women can not believe it

But these theories are changing and developing. Scientists now say something different than everyone has heard.

What is the ideal age?

Contrary to popular belief, a study led by Dr. John Mirowsky, a sociologist at the University of Texas, revealed the perfect time for women to bear children is actually age 34.

Here are the facts

The women's health expert stated women should have children at ages 34 and 35 because some areas of the body can develop diseases or health conditions during a woman's 20s. At 34, a woman's body is at optimal health to prepare for and carry a healthy child full-term.
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4 things parents do that cause their children to secretly cry in the night

Open your eyes to see what you are doing and this can cause secret pain and tears in your child's life.

Sometimes parents do not understand the impact of certain behaviors on their children. Parents who love do not want to physically or mentally damage their children, but if you're not careful, this can happen. These actions can make you cry out to those precious souls you love so much night without your knowledge.
4 things parents do that cause their children to secretly cry in the night

1. You allow your small children to see distressing news

Children don't have the experience to process news-reported tragedies. Everything becomes very real, like it happened next door or could happen right in their own house. Even if it could, little children should not be burdened by the possibility of it. They can be frightened to their very core. Watch what your children see on TV news and what you talk about in their presence.

10 things you really should not tell mothers with more children

Before you make an insensitive comment to a mother with a few children, consider whether you will be on the recipient.

For some odd reason, there are many people who think it is their duty to say any expression that comes to the attention of other people in the public. They are often the victim of these comments by a mother with multiple children. If they have three children or ten, it seems that these occupied mothers have more than the usual number of intolerable objections from intrusive aliens. To defend your tired mother at the supermarket, here are a few phrases that you should stick to yourself when you become acquainted with your mother with the children who were trying to.
10 things you really should not tell mothers with more children

"Boy, you sure have your hands full!"

No kidding. Our ears, car, house and heart are also full. In the midst of a stressful shopping trip with multiple (or any) children, the last thing we need is someone to state the obvious.

9 things you should never say in a fight with your child

Introducing arguments with your children is inevitable, but when things get hot, avoid nine expressions like plague.

Disagreements between you and your children are a fact of kinship. When aging, children begin to confirm their independence, things can quickly turn their heads when their "little ones" become completely disobedient and disrespectful.
9 things you should never say in a fight with your child

When it comes to fighting with children, you simply struggle to avoid these nine phrases at any cost:

1. Profanities

Profanities are a total no-no. Don't fire back when your child hurls these at you. In the end, you are the adult and everything you do is teaching your child how to behave when he reaches adulthood. If you throw out profanities during a fight with your child, he'll do the same to your grandkids.

5 ways to raise healthy daughters - Kristin Anderson

How do you help your daughter develop a strong self-esteem? Here are five tips.

Last month, my best friend introduced me with concern that Everyone is calling her a "beautiful" two year-old daughter. Her concern was, "I have the impression that the world only perceives her appearance and tries to emphasize her exterior appearance, not the right force."
5 ways to raise healthy daughters - Kristin Anderson

I can imagine people who tell a friend and daughter that they just need to relax because they have a stick. However, most of my professional life I spent with children and adolescents with eating disorders and dysmorphic disorders of the body. I stood outside the bathroom listening to the thin 14-year-old girls who forced to vomit because they did not think they were thin. I've seen some clever girls cut off their wrists because they've earned ten pounds. They are injured by these girls. My parents hurt me. I help the youngsters of this obsessive generation who will, according to A. Chris Downs, receive around 5,260 attractive ads per year (or at least 14 daily).

How can this be caught? Can my parents, like my friend, create a girl with a healthy body image without moving to the Amish country? Here are the five keys I learned during my studies, my professional experience as a social worker, my childhood and, most importantly, my experience as a mother of pretty girls.

12 dangerous symptoms in children you should never ignore

When your child gets sick, the question always remains: "Should I take you to a doctor or should I wait to see how the situation changes? Here are some symptoms you should never ignore.

When we become parents, the welfare of our children becomes one of our top priorities. When you suffer from extreme illness, our concern is growing because we see how our children suffer gives a feeling of helplessness like no other.
12 dangerous symptoms in children you should never ignore

For this reason, the first sign of something abnormal makes us jump to see a specialist or find a way to cure the disease before it exacerbates our control. However, even with all aspects of the parent, we may sometimes neglect the dangerous symptoms of the disease.

Here are some of those dangerous symptoms that should never be ignored:

1. High fever

In the case of a baby up to three months old, a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and above should be immediately checked out. For a baby that is three to six months old, a high fever is considered to be anything above 101 degrees. After that, a high fever for your child is usually about 103 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remember that the level shown on the thermometer is not the only important thing to consider when diagnosing an problem. If the fever is still low, but the child is very unwell, contact your pediatrician.

A surprising trick to teach your child to calm down in any situation

Do not worry if the level of anxiety of your child becomes too high.

Were you in the store and walked through the grain corridor to see the child in full malfunction? They want this box of cereals instead of their mother's choice.
A surprising trick to teach your child to calm down in any situation

Everything you feel is compassion with your mother, and you want the child to calm down. Well, you're not alone in this. Mother dies inside and thinks of everything she can do to calm her children without following the demands.

With today's technology it seems that our children are constantly bombarded with information and stressors. Not surprisingly, many of our children suffer from anxiety.

I always look for ways to calm the kids. I think if I can learn adaptable exercises when young, I can go through life with much less anxiety, which will enable them to do everything they do.

Recently I stumbled across a website that gave great advice for calming children down.

7 medicines you should NEVER give your baby

These common medications may seem harmless, but they are really terribly dangerous for babies.

Which drugs are acceptable for the baby and which are dangerous? This is a critical question for all parents. Trying to figure out what options are safe among the many pharmaceutical options will at least be scary. Whatever you do, never give these seven baby medicines:
7 medicines you should NEVER give your baby

1. Aspirin

Links have been discovered between aspirin use in children and the rare, potentially fatal illness called Reye's Syndrome. The risk is especially high when children already have a viral illness, such as a cold, flu or chickenpox. Make sure to also watch out for any off-brand of aspirin as well, as well as any medicine containing the ingredients salicylate, acetylsalicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, salicylamide and phenyl salicylate (these may be used as substitutes for the word 'aspirin').

Unless a doctor prescribes it, never give your child aspirin.

6 things EVERY toddler needs from his or her mom

Being a mother means experiencing more love and frustration than you've ever felt - sometimes at the same time. This means going ahead, even if you are not sure you will do what is right but you are still progressing as you continue to learn how you want it. This means constantly worrying about things you can not control but want, like a nation state and the kind of world in which your children are growing up until they believe everything will eventually be all right.
6 things EVERY toddler needs from his or her mom

Mother of little children have special challenges because they raise small people whose personality is suddenly too big for the bodies they live in. Facing the pain of emotional and physical growth on a daily basis requires a special form of love. Here are a few things kids need to teach them as they go through this difficult time of life.

Your toddlers need ...

... to know they are enough

There's enough pressure in the world urging kids to learn more and grow up faster. Toddlers are already growing at a mile a minute. Sometimes they need their mother to slow things down and let them know it's OK to just be themselves. Let them move at their own pace for once, let them show you their favorite toy 50 times in a row, let them bask in your attention and feel confident that you aren't wishing you were doing something else.